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(Familieforestilling) HOW ROMANTIC- Katerina Andreou

HOW ROMANTIC is a marathon with no finish line – a sprint towards something intangible.
HOW ROMANTIC is a deeply ironic commentary on how we experience struggles of life as a spectacle – both in their grand gestures and smallest details. We witness an intense marathon, echoing the dance marathons during the Great Depression in the US.
There are no winners or losers – only 14 seasoned dancers, in couples, alone, or as a herd of horses, negotiating their way through movement and sound in a relentless choreography. Through feats of strength, joy, and fatigue, they urge each other in an energetic mix of abandon and rigorous discipline. It's a collision of order and chaos in a fevered search for something real.
HOW ROMANTIC creates space for reflection – on power and relations, intimacy, forced entertaining and maybe the role of love as the ultimate finishing line for any race, even when it feels unattainable.

Last Updated: 01/14/2025

Source: Visit Bergen

(Familieforestilling) HOW ROMANTIC- Katerina Andreou

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