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ADELANTE – Flamenco Trondheim 20 years

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The Flamenco Association of Trondheim is celebrating its anniversary with a spectacular performance!

The event will feature guest artists from Spain, local dancers, and youth from Trøndertun Folkehøyskole. "Adelante" means "forward" – as we also celebrate the modern flamenco emerging from the new generation of artists in Spain. Come and experience them live!


Mariana Galarza (Barcelona) - dance
Anahí Johnsen (Oslo/Chile) - dance/choreographer
Teresa Hernández (Madrid) - vocals/guitar
Bettina Flater (Oslo/Madrid) - guitar
Runar Dahl (Trondheim) - guitar
Hilde Handegaard (Trondheim) - flute
Dancers from Flamenco Trondheim and Trøndertun Folkehøyskole

The performance is supported by Trondheim Municipality and Sparebank SMN


Last Updated: 01/18/2025

Source: Hva skjer kalender

ADELANTE – Flamenco Trondheim 20 years


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