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BFK | 02.10.2024 | Inland Empire (2006)

David Lynch's Inland Empire is an odyssey into the unknown. In his first digitally shot feature, Lynch leads the viewer through a nightmarish tale of interconnected tableaus, that reminds one of Alice in Wonderland gone wrong. The digital image brings unease and claustrophobia, as the viewer is frequently forced to face their fears up close. The only tether to reality is the sonorous performance of Laura Dern as Susan Blue, an actress whose lines of reality are blurred by her participation in a seemingly cursed lost film.

Inland Empire is a sprawling film, where malevolent figures entice you around dark corners. It is an uncanny and unsettling journey, and the last feature film directed by David Lynch to this date, and it begets multiple rewatches.

Last Updated: 09/15/2024

Source: Visit Bergen

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