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DansiT-salon: Navigating Critically in a Diverse Arts Field

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with Ine Therese Berg, NTNU and Tråanten Saemien Dåehkie

The first DansiT-salon of the spring will take form as a mini-seminar, where various voices present their contributions based on the question: How can we in different ways navigate critically within a diverse arts field? The aim is to listen and be listened to — whether as an artist, critic, or art researcher. Associate Professor in Theatre at NTNU and former theatre critic Ine Therese Berg will guide us through the evening, which is a collaboration between NTNU, Tråanten Saemien Dåehkie and DansiT.

The speakers will be introduced at the beginning of 2025.

More info:


Last Updated: 12/06/2024

Source: Hva skjer kalender

DansiT-salon: Navigating Critically in a Diverse Arts Field


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