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DansiT-salong: Dans for forandring

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with Heidi Rustgaard, Jonathan Ibsen, emilyn claid & Bjørk-Mynte Paulse (NO/DK/UK)

What power is hidden within choreographic strategies and methods when it comes to redefining bodies and identities on the stage - and in our society?

This year’s Multiplié Dance Festival brings together artists who use choreographic tools to challenge and expand the understanding of body and identity, creating space for new insights and knowledge.

How do artists use their choreographic tools to create spaces for new understandings and knowledges to appear?

In this DansiT salon, the choreographer Heidi Rustgaard will host a conversation with Jonathan Ibsen, emilyn claid, and Bjørk-Mynte Paulse. Together, they will explore these questions in relation to their own choreographic practices and reflect on their own performances which are presented in Multiplié dance festival earlier in the evening.

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Last Updated: 12/06/2024

Source: Hva skjer kalender

DansiT-salong: Dans for forandring


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