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Familieworkshop: "HOW ROMANTIC" med Annabelle Bonnéry

Dance is a universal language that can be understood by both young and old. On the occasion of the family performance of HOW ROMANTIC by Katerina Andreou, we invite you to a workshop where the joy of dancing can be shared across generations.

The workshop will be directly based on the creative process in the performance. This dance workshop is adapted for children accompanied by adults, who participate together in the workshop.

In a playful way, we will improvise in duet and group around the idea of creating a community with our own rules. We will explore movements with objects and experiment sound and rhythm with our bodies.
Artistic Director Annabelle Bonnéry will lead the workshop.

The workshop is free of charge, but requires you to sign up. The ticket gives access to 1 child and 1 adult, and the workshop gives both children and adults the opportunity to share a dance experience in a safe and inclusive setting. 

Photo: Øystein Haara

Last Updated: 02/08/2025

Source: Visit Bergen

Familieworkshop: "HOW ROMANTIC" med Annabelle Bonnéry

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