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Hypopressive Training Norway - Festival 2024

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Welcome to the Hypopressive Training Norway festival in Trondheim

Hypopressive training is an effective, safe and gentle method for training the core and pelvic floor. A strong and functional core means you can run for the bus without leaks, train hard without pain, lift your baby without pressure and feel everyday strong. 

Get started with your training or get new inspiration from physiotherapist and PRO Trainer Andreas Dønåsen.

Incontinence, prolapse, split abdominal muscles, back and pelvic pain as well as abdominal pain are some of the ailments women and men seek out the method for help with. There will be both free lectures, introductory courses and further workshops this weekend!


Saturday 16/11 
10.00-10.45: Lecture: How the method works 
10.45-11.00: Questions 
11.00-11.30: Break 

Starter course: 
11.30-12.00: Testing split abdominal muscles and core function
12.00-12.15: Break
12.15-13.15: Learning breathing techniques
13.15-14.00: Learning basic positions
14.00-14.30: The way forward: How to train at home

Sunday 17/11

Workshop 1
10.00-11.00: Mobility and relaxation (for both levels 1 and 2) 
11.00-11.30: Break 

Workshop 2: 
11.30-12.00: Easy series for beginners (Level 1) 
12.00-12.15: Break 
12.15-13.00: Series for advanced students (Level 2)

Andreas Dønåsen Physiotherapist and lifestyle counselor with 10 years' experience. He holds regular lectures and courses on the topics of digestion, intestinal health, stress, breathing and movement. In 2023, he was certified (Level 3) in Hypopressive Training and specialized PRO Trainer through Hypopressive Training Norge® He himself has received help from the method for back and pelvic pain.


Last Updated: 09/26/2024

Source: Hva skjer kalender

Hypopressive Training Norway - Festival 2024


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