Jazzmass 20-21.02 // Samfundet
🎷Jazz takes over Samfundet!🎶
Two days, multiple stages, and music that’ll get your heart beating in sync – whether you’re a jazz nerd or brand new to the scene.
This is something you don’t want to miss.
Samfundet and Jazzfest have a long history, and Samfundet has been one of the city's most important venues for jazz in Trondheim. Now, we are introducing a new collaboration February 20-21, where we will fill Samfundet with jazz! There will be a variety of concerts for both young and old, offering something for every taste.
| Tid | Thursday 20. FEBRUARY
-> 180/230/330kr)
| 19:00 | Lynx Lynx // Edgar
| 20:00 | Bjørn Alterhaug/Vigleik Storaas/Veslemøy Narvesen // Storsalen
| 21:00 | Sølvtrå // Vuelie
| 22:00 | Kjellerbandet spiller opp til dans // Storsalen
| 23:00 | Swingin’ Tenors // Vuelie
| Tid | Friday 21. FEBRUARY
| 20:00 | Musikkquiz // Edgar (inkludert i Inngang)
| 20:00 | S.Møller // Storsalen (150/250kr)
| 22:00 | Vinylfredag // Daglighallen (inkludert i Inngang)
| 22:00 | Storviltjass // Skala (260/420kr)
| 23:59 | RÜ // Vuelie (inkludert i Inngang)
Day ticket for Thursday can be purchased here: https://www.samfundet.no/arrangement/4361-jazzmass-torsdag
Tickets for Storviltjass can be purchased here: https://www.samfundet.no/arrangement/4321-storviltjass-jazzmass
Tickets for S.Møller will be released soon.
More Info: https://www.samfundet.no/en/events/4360-jazzmass-20-21-02
Last Updated: 01/30/2025
Source: Hva skjer kalender
Jazzmass 20-21.02 // Samfundet