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Main Street Revival - Ættermiddagblues

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Main Street Revival
The rock and roll band consisting of three people, but you would think there were eight of them. The 70s are near and dear to the band, and this is where the music shines through. They released several singles this year, and they delivered their first album in 2023. "Fortune and Fame" has been critically acclaimed both domestically and internationally. 2025 has arrived, and the band will release their first live album this year; their next album is on the way, with many new songs on the way.

The band is everywhere it is needed. All songs are available on all streaming services and the band is constantly updating themselves on social media.

A lady on bass, a rhythm guru on drums, at the forefront we find a hard-hitting vocalist and guitarist. All combined, the trio is a powerhouse like no other. Main Street Revival, with its 70s-influenced name, confirms that rock is not dead.

On the same street as Main Street Revival we find famous bands like Kaleo, Zeppelin and Rival Sons, to name a few. Similarities are nice, but the band has found its own sound and a song narrative that you can recognize. The chorus is often easy to sing along to, so this should make most music lovers either open their mouths or get their bodies moving.

If you miss the glory days of the 70s, or generally like tough music. Take a listen to Need- Your Love, First Time and War to name a few. This band values live concerts above anything else, come to a concert and experience Main Street Revival in the best format.

Tables at Krambua must be booked at:

Last Updated: 01/30/2025

Source: Hva skjer kalender

Main Street Revival - Ættermiddagblues


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