Moist meadow - Emilie Østby and Stine Gjestvang (NO)
“Fuktig eng” is a fight for liberation! As two responsible young women, we use dance and movement to act out. We want to be seen! Women still need to shout out loud to be heard. Through grotesque, intense and uncomfortable movements, we want to push the boundaries and expand the space women are “allowed” to act in.
In this dance performance Østby and Gjestvang are inspired by women and society's expectations of their actions. An angry, brutal or outspoken woman is often seen as hysterical. Hysteria comes from the Greek word for uterus, and has previously been a word used about various women's health issues. In ancient times, hysteria was thought to be caused by the uterus detaching from its place, wandering through the body to be fertilized. Later, hysteria was seen as a female mental disorder. By looking back at the history of hysteria, we are exploring how outdated views of women continue to affect us today.
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Last Updated: 12/06/2024
Source: Hva skjer kalender
Moist meadow - Emilie Østby and Stine Gjestvang (NO)