Nude model drawing
We meet at Warehouse 11, where the model is ready. It will either be a woman or a man, we will tegne form, anatomy and shadow/light. We use large sheets and carbon fiber. some water too. Will be free guarded expressions. Wine and other drinks are sold in the bar. Join a course out of the ordinary. equipment is included in the price. Everyone receives instruction at their level, suitable for complete beginners and advanced students who want to study the human form and do a deep dive into techniques.
You can cancel the purchase within 48 hours by sending us an email, and get the payment refunded. After this, in case of documented illness, you can have your payment credited to another course, but we must then be notified before the course starts. Same rules as at the theater and cinema. Course instructor: Lilja Kristjansdottir
Last Updated: 01/19/2025
Source: Hva skjer kalender
Nude model drawing