Oktoberdans 2024 | Carte Blanche med Tori Wrånes Retro Katt
RETRO CAT takes place in a world where the sun awakes together with the moon. Amidst the fanciful surroundings is the butt of a giant cat. The cat butt is a magical portal, modeled after an iris, the kind that focuses the light inside theater lamps. Visual artist and composer Tori Wrånes has created a gem of a piece of art, an adventure that is equally suitable for children and adults. Strange creatures sing in an unrecognizable language that we nevertheless understand. They crawl in and out where the sun never shines.
Last Updated: 09/23/2024
Source: Visit Bergen
Oktoberdans 2024 | Carte Blanche med Tori Wrånes Retro Katt