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Our Lady on Saturday: Mona Krogstad - Serenity Now

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If you are in the city center on Saturday, why not round off your shopping with beautiful music in one of the city's most unique spaces?

In a world characterized by constant noise and unrest, Serenity Now invites the listener into a musical landscape where hope and reflection are at the center. Through lyrical melodies and lively interplay, the work explores the contrast between the powerful, insistent and the peaceful, meditative moment.

Inspired by themes such as love, communication and spirituality, the work seeks to explore the deep aspects of being human. Mona Krogstad is fascinated by the infinite communicative power of art, and through "Serenity Now" she wants to encourage the listener to reflect on their inner self.

Mona Krogstad – tenor saxophone

Hogne Kleiberg – piano

Kertu Aer – double bass

You are most welcome! Free admission.

The concert series "Our Lady on Saturday" is supported by the Norwegian Arts Council

Last Updated: 01/09/2025

Source: Hva skjer kalender

Our Lady on Saturday: Mona Krogstad - Serenity Now


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