Plate release Neutered Male cat + support Hemafrå
When Kastrert Hannkatt released his first three singles in 2020, there was great ecstasy. As of today, the singles have well over 400,000 streams and on 11 October the debut album "Spritmangel" finally arrives!
Family concert at: 18:00
Pub at: 21:00
Buy the ticket category that suits you:
Concert only - No age limit.
Pub only - 18 years age limit.
Full package - both concert and pub.
Family concert at: 18:00
Pub at: 21:00
Buy the ticket category that suits you:
Concert only - No age limit.
Pub only - 18 years age limit.
Full package - both concert and pub.
Last Updated: 09/17/2024
Source: Hva skjer kalender
Plate release Neutered Male cat + support Hemafrå