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Vilde Tuv & Anna Kleiva - Solplomme

Midsummer poetry meets electronica in MUNCH's Monumental gallery.

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Midsummer poetry meets electronica in MUNCH's Monumental gallery.

Over three Sundays in January we'll be lighting up the dark days with the music-poetry project Solplomme (Sun-yolk), performed in the very room where Edvard Munch's painting The Sun is hanging.

Solplomme is a collaboration between author Anna Kleiva and musician Vilde Tuv, exploring midsummer legends and nature's changeability. It's a unique opportunity to hear summer-night music and poetry while you're surrounded by Munch's large-scale works.


Last Updated: 01/09/2025

Source: VisitOSLO as

Vilde Tuv & Anna Kleiva - Solplomme


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