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Women's history walk - 27.5

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Sigrid Undset, Fredrikke Marie Qvam, Elsa Laula Renberg, Ingeborg Holm, Mia Landsem...

Trondheim's history is full of tough women who break out of tight spaces and set a new course. But in the city's sculpture park, in the flora of street and road names, we find few traces of them. The Feministhuset in Trondheim is taking action to stop this culture of forgetting and invites you to a Women's History Walk!

Here we meet some of the women from the Wall of Feminism in places they can be linked to:
Where did the Nordics' foremost contraceptive pioneer work? Where did Trondheim's first female truck driver work? Why does the walk stop at the Court House?

Tuesday 10 September at 1800: Route 3 (NEWEST), arrival Munkegata 13

Each route takes one hour and costs NOK 100. Buy a ticket at Hoopla:

In addition to this, you can book group walks, max 15 people: Price: NOK 800. Ordered via
Halldis Nergård, Berit Rusten, May Mollan and Wenche Ødegård

Last Updated: 09/25/2024

Source: Hva skjer kalender

Women's history walk - 27.5


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