
The Ålfot Glacier is the westernmost glacier in Norway. The glacier is 70 square kilometers and stretches over three municipalities.
The Ålfot Glacier is the westernmost glacier in Norway. The glacier is 70 square kilometre and stretches over the municipalities of Gloppen, Bremanger and Flora. It is accessible from a number of starting points - Grøndalen, Svelgen and Ålfoten among others. The hike to the glacier is often combined with an over night stay at the DNT cabins Blåbrebu and Gjegnabu which is held by the Norwegian Trekking Association.
Walking on a glacier demands knowledge and proper equipment (such as rope, ice ax and crampons). Be aware that the glacier is in constant change. Never go to the glacier alone. It is strongly recommended to be minimum 5 people hiking together. We recommend hiking with a certified guide.
Are you interested in visting the glacier? Please contact us for more information.
Source: Visit FjordKysten