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Øyfjell Local History Museum

Øyfjell Bygdemuseum
Øyfjell Bygdemuseum
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Øyfjell Bygdemuseum
Øyfjell Bygdemuseum

Oyfjell museum of Local History has a rich collection of tools, traditional costumes, fine examples of rose painting and various curiosities.

Oyfjell Museum of Local History has a rich collection of tools, traditional costumes, fine examples of rose painting and various curiosities, e.g. Norway’s largest beer-vessel.

The museum building from 1931 is built of granite, «to last forever». There is also an open-air museum, a farmyard with several old buildings.

Spirits «par avion»
An important task for museums is to preserve different sorts of objects and the stories behind them. Most objects belong to daily life and the «those were the days»-category. Other are more «magic», and are connected to a special person or happening.

In the museum in Oyfjell there is a spirit barrel, and on the register card it says that it belonged to the Frenchmen Bèzier and Rollier who during the war in 1870 flew from Paris to Lifjell, Bø in Telemark, in an air balloon.

In the summer of 2005 Mostøystoga was opened with a renovated interior. Influenced by city fashions from the late 1800s this lounge represents a style and tradition seldom seen in West Telemark.

The museum is open on weekends in the summer season.

For off-season group guiding, please contact West-Telemark Museum:

Source: Vest Telemark

Øyfjell Local History Museum

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