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Airboarding Beito Aktiv

Airboarding is the perfect activity for all extreme sport enthusiasts who love going fast! The speed increases and increases and at some point you ask yourself “Is it too fast?” You make a couple of turns to slow down and finally stop at the bottom of the hill and the snow flies everywhere around you. Just as you have arrived at the bottom to catch your breath, the snowscooter and sleigh will be waiting for you drive you back up the hill for another go. Airboards are inflatable “sledges”. You lie on your stomach and control your direction by leaning from side to side. There are two handles to hold on tight with and of course you must always wear a helmet. You have to squeeze your chest down on the board to make good turns. To stop, simple push the weight of your Airboard and make a 90 degree turn, like a hockey stop. Hopefully this has given you an idea of what Airboarding involves, but don’t worry we won’t expect you to remember all of this! Your instructor will be there to explain to you how to do it and give you tips throughout the session.

Age: from 10 years
Duration: 1,5 hours

Source: Valdres Destinasjon


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