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Artscape in Nordland County

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Himmel på jord.jpg
Media Thule.jpg
Søylen og Portalen.jpg

Experience art in words and pictures! The idea behind the project is that the artworks are not just placed randomly somewhere, but they are the place itself. The art in the collection represents the full width in sculpture art, from the early 60's up until now.

The artwork representing Kulturlandskap i Nordland (Artscape in Nordland county) is created based upon the idea of the American sculptor Robert Smithson.

His vision - "site-specific sculpture" - with focus on the physical significance of the place, led to a new understanding of sculpture art, as he meant that you cannot fully understant the work of art without being in its context.


"Heaven on Earth" evokes a feeling of transformation from one place to another, where one stands on the threshold of something new; the changing of your own state of mind.

Artist: Inge Mahn, born in 1943 in Germany

Title: "Heaven on Earth" 1993

The artwork contains of one portal, two spheres of granite and one circle engraved on the rock.

Hight portal: 250 cm
Spheres diameter: 65,5 cm og 100 cm
Circle diameter: 800 cm

Location: Skarstad/Efjord

MEDIA THULE - in Tjeldsund

In Tjeldsund, the artist has built a house on a place where visitors can stay for a while to meditate over the fantastic view of the fjords and mountain, that opens up through the windows. In this scene, the artist has isolated the viewer's experience of the artwork.

Artist: Olafur Gislason born in 1962 on Iceland

Title: "Media Thule""

The artwork is a house built of wood.

Hight: 330 cm
Width: 380 cm
Length: 530 cm

Location: On Myklebostad in the municipality of Tjeldsund.


This sculpture is based upon church and temple architecture. You can see that it is shaped as the Norwegian Stave Churches from the early medieval, but also with references to other cultures sacral architecture.

The Norwegian Stave Churches were originally built of wood, but the artist has used granite as material for the "Stone House". According to traditions, the structure of a church must point from east to west, as does the "Stone House".

Artist: Bjørn Nørgaard, born in 1947 in Denmark

Title: "Steinhuset" (Stone House) 1995

Hight: 550 cm

Location: 1 km from the regional airport Evenes, towards Narvik.


The location of this artwork represents a zone between the buildings on one side, and the surrounding scenery on the other side. The artwork itself is representing a scene where future sculpture parks are waiting to emerge at the hand of the artist.

Artist: Bård Breivik, born in 1948 in Norway

Title: "No Title" 1993

Portal: 380 cm
Column: 550 cm

Location: In Narvik

Source: Visit Narvik AS

Artscape in Nordland County

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