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Avaldsnes Leikvoll

Avaldsnes Leikvoll
Avaldsnes Leikvoll
Avaldsnes Leikvoll

Avaldsnes Leikvoll is a playground at Avaldsnes, Norway's oldest royal seat. This is a special park that has both artistic qualities and invites to play and learning.

Avaldsnes Leikvoll is located just outside Nordvegen history centre. The name Leikvoll was chosen because "play" in Norse times included both play, sports and artistic activities. The park has a total of 10 installations. All installations are made of natural materials and have an abstract design. 

Here you can play and let your imagination take you on a journey into the past. Perhaps you are a Viking crossing the oceans to foreign destinations and wonder how they could find their way when at sea. Start your journey at the narrow strait Karmsund along "Nordvegen" – "the way to the north", the shipping route that gave Norway its name. Let the wind take you to where you want to go in search of exiting places and goods. Maybe you would rather like to know how the old norse letters looked, who the face on the statue is or take a ride on Odins horse Sleipner. Each installation in Avaldsnes Leikvoll tells a story that can be linked to Avaldsnes or Norse culture. Tasks are also created in connection with each installation. Activities are created for families with children that visit Avaldsnes. 

Nature is an important element in the park. Therefore, flowers and raspberry bushes grow freely in parts of the area. Here are also a number of roots and tree stumps that are home to many insects.

Explore Viking history and find other exciting experiences here.

Source: Destinasjon Haugesund & Haugalandet

Avaldsnes Leikvoll

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