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TripAdvisor rating of 5


Bear trail in Fredrikstad - The childrens own hiking trail in Bjørndalen

Bjørneløypa i Fredrikstad

The bear trail is a fun and exciting hiking trail for children in Bjørndalen in Fredrikstad.

The bear trail is a fun and adventurous hiking trail for children in Bjørndalen in Fredrikstad. 

The bear trail is an amazing hiking trail with varied terrain and exciting animal sculptures ready to be discovered. Use your eyes well, som of the birds are high up in the threes, and there are bears lurking behind every corner. This is guaranteed excitement for the young ones. You're welcome to give the sculptures a bear hug, but please do not climb on them.

Half way through the trail there is a nice resting area fitted with several seatings and a fireplace. A perfect place to enjoy your packed lunch.

The bear trail starts and end by the 2nd pond in the Fredrikstadmarka, and is well marked with reflexes. The full trail is roughly 1 kilometer long.

The trail was opened in during the open air year 2015. The sculptures is made from the internationally

Children whose depent on wheelchair can also experience the trail, as the strong members of Fredrikstad skiingclub volenteers every tuesday with their ATV and good spirits. This requires registration at Fredrikstad municipality Service 

Source: Visit Fredrikstad & Hvaler

Bear trail in Fredrikstad - The childrens own hiking trail in Bjørndalen

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