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Bicycle: Strømsfoss - Tistedal

Sykkel Brekke
Sykkel Brekke
Sykkel Brekke

This combined bike and boat trip will take you through the Halden Canal’s many historic gems. You can cycle from Strømsfoss to Tistedal and take the “Brekke” back, or vice versa. These boat trips on Sundays only (2020).

If you cycle south from Strømsfoss on the western side of Aremarksjøen you can take a detour to Vestfjella, with unique outdoor experiences and the possibility of cottage accommodation. The Vestsia road is slightly hilly and runs through farms and cultivated land and has a view of Aremarksjøen at several points. At the Skolleborg dam, you have a chance of seeing beavers. At Skodsberg, follow the FV 21 for about 2 km before leaving it in the direction of Torpedalen.

At Moanene, the road becomes a gravel track for around 9 km. The Fisma river winds idyllically alongside the road and features trout and eel. From Torpedalen, the road is paved to Asak and Tistedal.

The ship Brekke docks at the pier in Tistedal and will take you up to Strømsfoss, going through the Brekke locks, northern Europe’s highest sluices at 26.7 m.

Time: 2-3 hours
Road surface: Asphalt throughout
Bicycle Requirements: Standard bicycle
Traffic: Occasionally heavy traffic on the FV21 (8km)
Start & Finish: Strømsfoss

Source: Visit Indre Østfold

Bicycle: Strømsfoss - Tistedal

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