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Biekronå, Espevær guest harbor

Biekronå, Espevær guest harbor
Biekronå, Espevær guest harbor
Biekronå, Espevær guest harbor
Biekronå, Espevær guest harbor
Biekronå, Espevær guest harbor

A distinctive nesting place with its own cultural mementos, Espevær lies at the very extreme of the Bømla fjord. 

During summer the restaurant "Gamleposten 5444" is open, as well as the two museums "Hummarparken" (the Lobster park) and "Baadehuset".

Short distance to the food shop.

Position:  N59 35.382 E005 09.206

Source: Region Sunnhordland

Biekronå, Espevær guest harbor

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