Birdwatching - Jotunheimvegen
Jotunheimvegen along the northern shoreline of Lake Vinstre is especially productive in good rodent years, which means raptor years, specifically for Common Kestrel, Merlin, Short-eared Owl and Hen Harrier. In 2017, several individuals of Pallid Harrier were present throughout the summer. A few Arctic Terns usually can be observed hunting over the lake.
Walks towards Urekkollen and further up Urekdalen, towards Gråhø or Keisaren can produce Bluethroat and Ring Ouzel in the willows and Common Ringed Plover and Golden Plover on flats in higher altitude, towards Keisaren also Common Greenshank. For a chance of Dunlin and Dotterel you have to walk far - all the way through Glupen and towards Valdresflye.
At Lykkjestølane you might be able to see Lapland Longspur and Yellow Wagtail. The small lake on the Bjellbøllsøyne Island (south of Lykkjestølane) can hold Red-necked Phaparope (that is also true for the Stavtjerni lakes between the lakes Bygdin and Vinstre, prefereably early during summer). Lake Sanddalstjernet may have Black-throated Diver.
Best season: June for waders, all summer through to early fall for raptors and short-eared owl.
Directions: Signed exit from road 51 approx. 1.5 km north of Bygdin towards Jotunheimvegen. Tollroad (payable by card only).
Tip: Birding along Jotunheimvegen is easily combined with a trip up to the Valdresflye mountain plateau.
Source: Valdres Destinasjon
Birdwatching - Jotunheimvegen