Birdwatching - Lomendelta

The Begna river forms a small delta where it mouthes into Lake Slidrefjorden (366 m.o.h.). This is an important stopover and refueling area for water birds in the upper Valdres region and is protected as Lomendeltaet Bird Sanctuary.
A visit is primarily recommended during spring and autumn migration. Recorded species include Common Crane, Common Merganser, Arctic Diver, Horned Grebe, Whooper Swan, Mallard, Eurasian Wigeon, Common Goldeneye, Tufted Duck, Eurasian Teal and even occasionally Garganey. In addition to the water birds, you might find waders as Eurasian Curlew, Greenshank, Common, Green and Wood Sandpiper, Common and Jack Snipe, Spotted Crake, Northern Lapwing, gulls like Mew Gull and Black-headed Gull, Great Cormorant and passerienes as White and Grey Wagtail, thrushes, warblers, Dunnock, and Yellowhammer (to name a few). Keep watch for overflying raptors such as Kestrel and Rough-legged Buzzard.
To get an overview and scan the area with a spotting scope, exit from the E16 approx. 200 m west of Lomen Auto and drive downhill to Lomen kraftstasjon (power station). From here, you can overlook and scan large parts of the outer delta area.
Otherwise, exit towards Riste bru and park before the bridge (on the right). Scan from the bridge in both directions (binoculars) and explore on foot towards Hålimo Camping as well as along the driveway (closed for vehicles) upriver from the parking.
Source: Valdres Destinasjon
Birdwatching - Lomendelta