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Våler (hedmark)


Blide jenter på Blåenga
Fottur til Blåenga
Høsttur til Blåenga
Vinter på Blåenga
Blåenga i måneskinn
Hytta på Blåenga i vinterdrakt
Skitur til Blåenga
Stor nissefare på Blåenga!

On days with clear skies, you can see most of Hedmark from here. The Sølen Mountains and the Trysil Mountain to the north, the Rondane to the west and Sweden to the east. You are surrounded by resources that are important to Hedmark County – forest, agriculture and water.

If you want to stay a while, a cabin can be rented. Contact for more information.

Blåenga is the best, largest and cheapest health studio you can imagine, whether it is winter or summer. You just HAVE to get here.

Source: Visit Øst-Norge


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