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Bluefin Tuna fishing on the Stad Seas

Båten på vei til fiske mellom skjærgården på søre Sunnmøre.
Båten ligger til kai på Rosenlund Havn på Sandsøya.
Flotte havlandskap på vei til fiske ved Stadlandet.
Solnedgang ved Stadhavet.
Gjengen har fått god fangst!
Flotte omgivelser å fiske i på kysten av Sunnmøre - Størjefiske.
Klar for fiske på kysten av Sunnmøre.
På fisketu.
Fisketur i flotte kystområder på Sunnmøre
Vakre farger i solnedgangen ute i havet.
Tare og Havbris ligger klar for fisketur.

Join in on an exclusive fishing expedition for Blue Fin Tuna on the seas of Stad and stay at Rosenlund Hotel on Sandsøya. Unforgettable experiences guaranteed.

The Bluefin Tuna season starts in mid-July and lasts to the end of November, with peak season being mid-September to mid-November. There will be an estimated 8-10 hours of fishing a day, and all meals and equipment on board are included. Max number of participants is 4, 2 actively fishing on each boat.

You get exclusive access to 2 boats with skipper, guide and crew. Both boats are built specifically for Blue Fin Tuna fishing. “M/S Tare” (2020) is 42 foot and is the record holder with a catch of 52 tunas so far. “M/S Havbris” (2024) is a brand new 36-foot fisherman’s boat, with state-of-the-art equipment for fishing in open seas. The boats as well as the crew are unique, and a catch is almost guaranteed in the right conditions. Accommodation at the newly opened Rosenlund Hotel on Sandsøya, which boasts quality on all areas. The island is an experience, situated by the Stadt seas but still revealing quiet bays and harbours.

Incl. equipment for fishing and safety
Incl. meals
Incl. accommodation (only for trips lasting longer than one day)
Incl. transport to/from Ålesund (only for trips lasting longer than one day)
Guide and crew on board
WC on board

Contact us for rates.

Source: Ålesund & Sunnmøre

Bluefin Tuna fishing on the Stad Seas

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