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Café in Myrvold Gård

Pizza i steinovn på Myrvold Gård
Nybakte boller i kafeen på Myrvold Gård
Gardsbutikk på Myrvold Gård

A cosy little café at Myrvold farm on the island Huglo. They serve pizza, baked rolls, buns, breads and more. Some days they bake and serve pizza.

Adjacent to the café they have a farm shop where you can taste and purchase items and products that they produce from the farms resources.

They produce Myrvold farms own cheese, ice cream, jam, jelly and honey, you can also purchase fine sheep, goat and rabbit hides as well as Lillian´s paintings and ceramics.

It is possible to order Afternoon Tea for those that wish and on fine days refreshments can be enjoyed on the terrass with a view over the farm.

Opening hours

Please see the Facebook page and home page of Myrvold Gård for opening hours.

Season opening 2025: March 29.

Source: Region Sunnhordland

Café in Myrvold Gård

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