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Canoe rental - Rakkestad scout group

Rakkestad Speidergruppe
Rakkestad Speidergruppe
Rakkestad Speidergruppe

Rakkestad river is an exciting place to paddle a canoe

Have you thought about a canoe trip?

Rakkestad river is an exciting place to paddle a canoe, you get a bit og wilderness feeling. The river meanders from between fields into dense, almost outlying forest. But fantastic scenery, with trees and cliffs. Birds and beaver tracks. Yes hare and deer or not unusual to see on this journey. Or you also have the opportunity to take the canoes with you to other waterways.

If there are two of you or a whole group, Rakkestad Scout Group can help you.
They have a total of 9 canoes for rent and it comes with life jackets and oars.
8 of the canoes are on a trailer which can be freely used to transport the canoes when renting.

The canoes are located at the Rakkestad Scout House at Ulveveien 28 in Rakkestad, and must be picked up and returned there.

Our prices are NOK 200 per day or 400 for a whole weekend.
Teams and associations, school classes etc get half price with us.

The canoes can be booked by calling +47 90772508 - Jon Gunnar Olsen.

Source: Visit Indre Østfold

Canoe rental - Rakkestad scout group

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