Capercaillie bird watching tour

Join us when we sett out on our annual Capercaillie bird watching tour to Finnskogen in eastern Norway
Lying down on the edge of a frozen bog in April can be a rare nature experience. If we're lucky, we'll hear the ice sing while the log fire sends its sparks into the sky. The goal is, of course, for us to wake up early in the gray light in the morning to the Caipercailie playing outside on the moor.
kr 4900,- per person
• light meal in the evening
• overnight stay in the gapahuk (open hut) near the lek-spot
• simple outdoor-prepared breakfast
• entrance ticket to the Norwegian Forest Museum
• Meeting time: 6.00 p.m.
• Target group: small groupd and individual travellers. This tourcan not be adapted to people with a wheel chair. Participants must expect to lie completely still for some hours at a time.
• Numer of people: 2-4 (please contact us for larger groups), max 2 persons / gapahuk
• Duration: approx. 15 hours
• Season: this tour is only available from 26-30.april 2024
• Region: Finnskogen, near Elverum
Adults (Adult) | 4,900.00 * | Per person |
* Price from |
Source: Visit Øst-Norge
Capercaillie bird watching tour