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Cross-country skiing in Elverum

Langrenn Elverum Svartholtet
Svenkerudvollen Elverum
Langrenn Elverum

Elverum Municipality has over 200 km of beautiful, groomed trails for both classic and skating. These are divided into four course areas:

Flishøgda located between Elverum and Trysil, ca. 30 km from the centre of Elverum. Parking at the entrance from highway 25. There is also limited parking at the farm on Rogstadbakkvollen (approx. 650 meters above sea level). Here you can buy light meals and beverages in weekends and on holidays, and there is a child-friendly hill for sledding and ski games. Flishøgda is ideal for a Sunday-trip with the family.

The trails in Grundset Marka start around Grindalsmoen. There is also a floodlight trail that goes to Djupmyrskoia, where you can buy light meals and beverages in weekends and on holidays. This is the closest ski trail to Scandic Elgstua. The Grundset Marka has a connection trail to Budor.

Stavåsen the ski area east of Glomma and north of Elverum city centre. It also includes tracks in Hernes. Here are three floodlight trails. The trail network is connected to Svartholtet, the trails closest to the city centre. Svenkerudvollen is a popular destination with a nice view, here you can also buy light meals and beverages on weekends and in holidays. The trail network extends further south to Heradsbygd. Svartholtet with Heradsbygd has two floodlight trails.

Updated information on opening hours in hospitality venues, parking, trail maps and trail status can be found at Trail Map is available at the tourist information centre and sports shops in Elverum. See also www.tipå

Source: Visit Øst-Norge

Cross-country skiing in Elverum

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