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Indre Østfold

Cycle tour: Spydeberg rectory - tour area Busterud

Spydeberg Prestegård
Spydeberg togstasjon
Spydeberg prestegård
Spydeberg prestegård
Spydeberg prestegård
Spydeberg prestegård
Spydeberg prestegård
Spydeberg prestegård

Nice bike ride to Spydeberg rectory.

The tour starts at Spydeberg trainstation. Then head south through the center and follow the signs for Unionsleden. After about 4 km you will come to Spydeberg rectory. The vicarage is an important arena in Norway's history in the 18th and 19th centuries. During the 1990s and in the years after the turn of the millennium, Spydeberg rectory was recognized as a national historical site of national value.

Here you will also see a very nice formal garden, which has been recreated from old drawings. Opened by the Minister of Culture in 2014.

The trip here is on cycle paths all the way, so it's a great trip to take for the whole family.

If desired, you can continue the trip to Busterud, then take the gravel road further to the blue-marked path for hiking.

See for further trips on foot.

Source: Visit Indre Østfold

Cycle tour: Spydeberg rectory - tour area Busterud

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