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Edvard Munch´s house in Åsgårdstrand

Pikene på broen
Munchs hus
Munchs hus
Atelieet ved Munchs hus
Munchs hus
Pikene på broen
Foredrag i atelieet. Munchs hus
Interiør Munchs hus
Digital Munchformidling Åsgårdstrand
Munchs park
Munchs hus
Interiør Munchs hus
Munchs hus vindu
Munchs hus
Plates kitchen

It was in 1889 that Edvard Munch (1863-1944) spent the first of many summers in Åsgårdstrand. In 1898 he bought a house built at the end of the 18th century. The house is now a small museum, open to the public where everything has been retained as it was when the artist lived there.

The original studio building has been pulled down, but another building has been erected on the same site.

Edvard Munch painted many of his masterpieces in Åsgårdstrand, such as The Bridge, Four girls in Åsgårdstrand and The Dance of Life. These are now on view in major international art galleries.

The town hall in Åsgårdstrand
In the town hall you will find Digital Munch and a museum shop. Here you can experience the history of Edvard Munch and Åsgårdstrand in an innovative digital edition, meet the Åsgårdstrand history team in a newly renovated venerable city council hall and have a look in the museum shop. Read more on the website.

Travel guide on your own
The Munch Museum, together with Munch's house in Åsgårdstrand, has published a travel guide to all of Munch's places. The book provides information on viewpoints and experiences, so you can follow in his footsteps.

Source: Visit Vestfold

Edvard Munch´s house in Åsgårdstrand

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