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Eidsfossen waterfall

Eidsfossen waterfall
Eidsfossen waterfall
Eidsfossen waterfall
Eidsfossen waterfall
Eidsfossen waterfall

Eidsfossen is a cascading waterfall with a drop of 32 metres. One of the world’s longest salmon ladders, totalling 230 metres, is also situated here. The area between Eidsfossen waterfall and the Gloppefjord is known far and wide for its fantastic salmon fishing.

Many of the good salmon pools have names that date back to the time when ‘salmon lords’ from the UK rented the river in the late 19th century.

The biggest salmon ever fished in the river up to and including 1994 weighed 26 kg. Access from the E39 road. Information board on site. It is also possible to get all the way up to Holvikfossen waterfall from Kleivedammen dam.

Source: Nordfjord

Eidsfossen waterfall

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