Elgstua cafè
Eco certified travel providers
Environmental certification of private and public enterprises, also tourism.
Norway's most famous elk restaurant! A charming café that has been serving delicious homemade food since 1959. Wonderful open-faced sandwiches, scrumptious cakes, famous jumbo-sized waffle hearts, tasty lunch dishes and memorable dinners.
Always loyal to our traditions, 'flesk og duppe' (fried bacon and potatoes) is still on the menu, just as it was back in 1959. The menu also offers a range of dishes featuring elk – our trademark. Our famous elk stew is just as popular among far-away visitors as among locals.
Young and old climb up on the elk outside every day to immortalize their visit with a photo from Elgstua.
- Breakfast
- Dinner
- Lunch
Source: Visit Øst-Norge
Elgstua cafè