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Emob trip to Flydalsjuvet Panorama

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Biltur ved Geirangerfjorden
Flotte stop på vei opp til Flydalsjuvet.
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Emob trip to Flydalsjuvet Panorama

On this trip, emob will follow you up a hill, you will sit on a throne, look down into a gorge and visit a traditional mountain farm. The trip offers magnificent views – and maybe some insight as well?

This panoramic trip contains three main stops. First, you head up towards the mountain in the east to Flydalsjuvet, where you can sit on a throne and enjoy the view towards the fjord – and dizzying depths. Furthermore, the journey goes up the green slopes towards the mountain farm Vesterås, where you will get a magnificent view of the fjord and mountains. Maybe you fancy a cup of coffee, a waffle or lunch while you are at Vesterås?

If you have time, take a look around the traditional farm. Even a short walk in the area will give you a lasting impression.

Source: Ålesund & Sunnmøre

Emob trip to Flydalsjuvet Panorama

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