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Evju old Courtyard

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evju bygdetun

The Evju Bygdetun in Sauherad is an interesting and lively local museum in mid- Telemark situated between the villages Gvarv (4 km)and Bø (6 km). The old farm buildings date back to the 18th and 19th centuries.

The Evju Bygdetun in Sauherad is an interesting and lively local museum in mid- Telemark situated between the villages Gvarv (4 km)and Bø (6 km).

The old farm buildings date back to the 18th and 19th centuries. Their furniture and utilities, tools and the like bear witness to a farm whose owners have been keen to keep up local customs and traditions. Of special interest is perhaps the collection of handmade silver-mounted knives and the exquisite locally woven tapestries.

The Vengeburet storehouse, The Miller Son's Cottage ( i.e. the master fiddler Torgeir Augundson (1801 - 1872)), The Sash Weaver's Cottage and the Holtanstugo farmhouse have all been moved to the Evju Bygdetun in recent years. Needless to say, each of them has its own story to tell. In this pleasant farmyard with goats bleating and hens cackling we welcome young and old alike.

Source: Visit Bø

Evju old Courtyard

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