Experiences for motorists driving along Lake Snåsavatnet

If you drive E6 or Rv 763 along Lake Snåsavatnet, take a break and experience something of what the area has to offer. See the Bølareinen, eat genuine mountain farm fare, visit museums, go hiking or sleep well by the waterfront.
If you drive E6 or Rv 763 along Lake Snåsavatnet, take a break and experience something of what the area has to offer. See the Bølareinen, eat genuine mountain farm fare, visit museums, go hiking or sleep well by the waterfront.
The Bølareinen is one of Norway's best known rock carvings and every year thousands of people stop by to admire the Bøla reindeer. Additionally, there are rock carvings of a bear, a skier and a sea bird. During the summer season, the Bølabua restaurant nearby is open and serve delicious local food and souvenirs. There are several hiking routes in the area.
Holsingseteren summer mountain farm i situated in Roktdalen and engage in traditional mountain dairy farming. They process all the milk on the farm and the resulting products can be enjoyed by the visitors on the premises or brought home for enjoyment. In addition, you can experience riding and the area is perfect for fishing, hiking and cycling. The mountain farm is facilitated for the disabled.
Samien Sijte is a south-sami museum and cultural centre in the bilingual Snåsa, where you can get better aquainted with the south-sami culture and history - past and present. Our guides give you a guided tour around the exhibitions and our Sami courtyard. Sit in "gamma" (old traditional mud hut) in the yard, practice your lasso skills and immerse yourself in the Sami feeling.
The hike to the Roaldstein is fairly easy, and provides a breathtaking view of the Lake Snåsavatnet. Even though the hike is short and easy, you pass through both marshsland and forest. The Roaldsteinen is an old stone fortress..
Lake Snåsavatnet north of Steinkjer city centre is the 6th largest lake in Norway and is excellent for fishing trout and char. Fishing licenses an be obtained at i.e Kvam Motell and Camping, Snåsa Hotell and Oldernæs Strandcamp.
Egge Museum convey the history from the Viking Age to present day. There are burial mounds, a complete 18th century farm, an agricultural exhibition and the majestic county governor farm from 1919. Great summer tour guides give you an insight into life on a medium sized farm in the latter half of the 1800s. Great experiences for adults and kids alike are in abundance at Egge msueum.
E6: Føllingstua Camping, Kvam Motell & Camping, Snåsakroa, Isakplassen and Vegset Camping.
RV763: Oldernæs Strandcamp and Snåsa Hotell
E6: Snåsakroa eller setrene Harøya og Båsdalvollen. Campingplassene har servering i sommersesongen.
RV763: Kafe Midtpunktet, Garveriet cafe & second hand store
Holsingseteren, Reinsjølian and Snåsa Fjellstyre
Several of the accommodation venues also offer various activities in the local area; a tip hike (a hike out to the outermost headland in the lake), boat and canoe rentals, playground and mini golf course by the beach etc.
Steinkjer is one of the largest cities in Trøndelag, with nische shops, small cafes and Mid-Norways largest shopping mall, Amfi Steinkjer. Discover the cities exciting history through a guided tour of the city (available through the tourist office). Hike up to the mountain Oftenåsen and be rewarded with a magnificent view of the city, the fjord and the mountains. And you can climb onto the worlds largest garden chair.
Snåsa is best known for its summer mountain culture, south-sami history and culture and beautiful nature. During the summer season around 15 mountain farms scattered around the village open their doors to the public. Experience the life on a mountain farm and taste the genuine farm produce. Saemien Sijte, South Sami museum, is open all year and they will guide you through the museum where they talk about their culture and history. Joralf Gjerstad, coloquially known as the Snåsa man with the warm hands, has lived almost his entire life in Snåsa and you have the opportunity to visit his ancestral home, The Gjerstad house.
Source: Innherred Reiseliv
Experiences for motorists driving along Lake Snåsavatnet