
On this walk you will experience a nice view over the Lusterfjord and the mountains of the southside of the fjord. In east you will see the hamlet Optun and the peak Fanaråken.
On our way to the summer farm, we pass foundations of a tenant's farm at Vikji. Once there were many buildings here, and the farm had a mill by the brook. The tenant had to leave the farm in 1942. The houses were torn down.
The many foundations and stone fences tell us of many days of hard work in these steep hills and mountains in a tough battle for survival.
At Fjøsnastølen: As the name implies this is a summer farm (N: støl or seter)) for the farms at Fjøsne. The summer farm is only a short way from the main farms, and was only in use in spring and autumn. The Fjøsnane farms also had summer farms higher up in the mountains for use in the summer time. The old path from Skjolden to Luster went past this summer farm, and from here it went through Ørnskaret (The Eaglepass) on the way to Ottane. At this point the cliffs rise steeply from the fjord, so it was not possible to make a path further down.
On the west side of Fjøsnastølen there is a small brook called Mjelkåi (The milk-brook). The brook brings water from the mountains above, and it may have got its name because the cold water was used to cool the milk
We wish you a pleasant and interesting walk.
- Medium
Source: Visit Sognefjord AS