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Flåm church

Flåm Kyrkje
Flåm kyrkje
Flåm kyrkje
Flåm kyrkje

Flåm chuch is situated 3 km up the Flåm valley. A wooden church constructed in 1667. The altar piece, dated 1681.

The decorations of the choir date from the same periode, showing grapevine patterns. The church nave has been decorated some time in the 18th century with pictures of deciduous trees and different kinds of animal . These pictures are unique in their kind as chuch art. During the last restauration, an old piece of cloth, know to have been used as antependium as late as 1930, was found. Museum experts stated that it has been a knight's cloak, voven in venice around 1300. This is said to be the only of its kind found in Norway.

The church is open during the summer.

Source: Visit Sognefjord AS

Flåm church

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