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Fossheim Mineral Museum | Free minerals

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Gratistippen_Fossheim Steinsenter_Mari Wedum (4)-ProduktogArtikkelbilder_DMS-1200px
Steinsenter_stein_Mari Wedum-ProduktogArtikkelbilder_DMS-1200px
Gratistippen_Fossheim Steinsenter_Mari Wedum (5)-ProduktogArtikkelbilder_DMS-1200px

Fossheim Mineral Museum is a geological museum, jewelry gallery, workshop and shop. In the stone center you will find Norway's largest collection of minerals and jewelery stones. Here are exhibited Norwegian minerals from more than 700 occurrences, more than 30 different jewelery stones and 20 faceted minerals. In the shop you will find handmade jewelry, souvenirs and artifacts hand made of Norwegian stones.

Fossheim Mineral Museum is a geological museum, jewelry gallery, workshop and shop. In the stone center you will find Norway's largest collection of minerals and jewelery stones.

Free minerals:
On the downside of the Fossheim Steinsenter you will find "Gratistippen" for children of all ages. In the tourist season we will daily throw out nice stones that you can collect for free! 

Source: Visit Jotunheimen AS

Fossheim Mineral Museum | Free minerals

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