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Galden- Øvrabøstølen - Brimskår - Nonhaug - Fjellstølen

Fjellstølen, Luster
Fjellstølen, Luster

The walk from Galden to Øvrabøstølen follows a nice path and a forest track and takes about 30 minutes. The path to Brimskår turns of from Setålenstien with a steady increase. This walk takes about two hours. From Brimskår there is a steep path to Nonhaug with a nice viewpoint. Nonhaug means 'where the sun stands at noon'(17o'clocl). This walk takes about one hour.

To get to Fjellstølen, one instead follows the path along the forest side from Brimskår. This stage takes about half an hour.

Øvrabøstølen is one of the spring stølans for Solvorn. Here there are tufts and stilt houses that bear witness to a versatile activity. Here there were seals, barns, pigsties and pig houses. In the past, the støls operation was moved to the mountain støls Brimskår and Fjellstølen during the summer, but it has been a long time since these støls were in use. Today, there are few traces of these rock formations in the landscape.

Season: June - October

Length: 6,1 km / 6 hours

Source: Visit Sognefjord AS

Galden- Øvrabøstølen - Brimskår - Nonhaug - Fjellstølen

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