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TripAdvisor rating of 5


Galleri ER

Galleri ER
Galleri ER
Galleri ER
Galleri ER
Galleri ER
Galleri ER

Gallery ER is a gallery located in the middle of Sandefjord over a total of 300 square meters and two floors. Here you will find exciting and unique art.

Once a month, the gallery changes the entire exhibition and invites three to four artists to showcase their work. They also have a selection of regular artists and lots of graphics. The gallery is divided into four different departments with Hallen, Tress, Base and White box.

Besides very exciting and varied exhibitions, you can also deliver your pictures for framing at Galleri ER. They also have the opportunity to come home to you and try out pictures on your wall before deciding which art you could want.

Source: Visit Vestfold

Galleri ER

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