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Gallery Ryvarden and the Lighthouse café

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Galleri Ryvarden - flott utsikt
Utstillingane skiftar på Galleri Ryvarden

The gallery at Ryvarden kulturfyr hosts a variety of high-quality art exhibitions.

The gallery at Ryvarden kulturfyr hosts a variety of high-quality art exhibitions. New exhibitions open on the first Sunday of each month from March to November. The gallery shop offers visual art and craft products. Here you can buy quality products for yourself or to give as gifts. In addition to art and views, the lighthouse offers coffee, freshly made waffles and/or Ryvarden's home-made fish soup in the café that shares the gallery premises. These premises are also for hire for large and small functions, meetings, courses and conferences.

Ryvarden gallery and café are open Sundays and public holidays between March and November: 11:00 – 16:00.


During the opening hours of the gallery: +47 46 90 60 43 When the gallery is closed: +47 53 74 80 00 or +47 456 12 450

Source: Destinasjon Haugesund & Haugalandet

Gallery Ryvarden and the Lighthouse café

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