Garveriet kafé og gjenbruksbutikk
- Discover and experience the Good Life in Snåsa!
Garveriet is a seasonalcafé and thrift store, situated in lovely surroundings in Viosen in Snåsa, right at the end of Lake Snåsavatnet. At Garveriet, you will find peace, traditions and nostalgia in harmonious surroundings. How about sitting in the garden below Garveriet, enjoying freshly brewed coffee and home baking?
Reused goods, interior decoration, furniture are on offer in the thrift store - everything in rural, quaint and old-fashioned style. Some are produced or procured from the local community, others have been purchased from various suppliers in Scandinavia. Stop by and explore the great selection of used toys and dolls. There will be many baby dolls in particular this summer.
We also have a large selection of beautiful seconhand dresses - in the summer season, summer and party dresses in light pastels are in store. Towards autumn / winter, there will be slightly different types and colours.
At times, we also offer local products like cheese, handicrafts etc.
Opening hours:
27. May - 27. August: Fri - Sat: 11:00 - 16:00, Sun 12:00 - 16:00
In July: also open on Thrusdays 11:00 - 16:00
Garveriet welcomes groups by prior agreement out of season.
Throughout the year various art exhibitions will be featured.
In addition to summer café and various exhibitions, Garveriet is also available for hire for special events all through the year.
Garveriet is situated in Viosen, which is the ”old town” in Snåsa, and was once the town centre of Snåsa with both bakery, commerce and pier. The building housing Garveriet is the oldest in Viosen and it was constructed as a tannery and lime distillery, and a residence in 1881.
It has also been an icehouse, fish factory, manufactory, grocery, fruit and tobacco, watchmaker, photographer, chainsaw workshop, café, accounting office, frame, photo shop and more. Garveiriet is newly renovated and the official opening of the Garveriet Kafe and thirft store in 2015 marked the continuation of the building's historical use.
Parking: Green parking by the exit from RV 763 and by the village museum Vonheim. It is also possible to park by the sports facilities not far from Garveriet. It is a short trek to Garveriet. You can also park on the opposite side of teh bridge next to Garveriet.
What can be found nearby?:
- Snåsa Hotel (ca 1 km)
- Gjerstadhuset (museum) (ca 700 m)
- Saemien Sijte - South-sami museum and cultural centre (ca 700 m)
- Snåsa church (1 km)
- Vinje Rectory - Among the country's 3 most beuatiful rectoeies(1 km)
- 17.mai-stone - Norways oldest 17. May memorial (1 km) ( May = Norway's constitution day)
- Snåsa centre / train station (ca 800 m)
- Bergsåsen nature reserve (ca 1 km)
- Viosen stadion (ca 100 m)
- The village museum Vonheim (100 m)
- Marina og beach on the door steps of Garveriet
- Garden
Jun 7 2024 - Aug 25 2024: Sun: 12:00 - 16:00
Jul 4 2024 - Jul 31 2024: Thu, Fri, Sat: 11:00 - 16:00
Jul 4 2024 - Jul 31 2024: Sun: 12:00 - 16:00
Source: Innherred Reiseliv
Garveriet kafé og gjenbruksbutikk