Gjøvik Vandrerhjem Hovdetun

About Gjøvik hostel Hovdetun
Gjøvik hostel Hovdetun is the right spot for staying comfortably at a reasonable price right outside the city centre (10 – 15 minutes of walking), especially for families who would like to relax in a friendly environment.
The hostel is located right by Fastland, an outdoor swimming pool which is free to use, surrounded by a park offering opportunities for a wide range of activities. During the summer you can enjoy a meal on our large terrace, with a panoramic view of the recreational area and tennis courts. Several rooms are newly renovated.
We wish you a great start to your day
All our prices includes the breakfast buffet, made up beds, linens and towels.
Of course we also provide free WiFi and free parking.
Welcome to Gjøvik hostel Hovdetun!
- Family-friendly
Source: Visit Øst-Norge
Gjøvik Vandrerhjem Hovdetun