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TripAdvisor rating of 4.5


Guided walk in Ålesund

Bli med en av guidene på den populære byvandringen i Ålesund.
Guided walk in Ålesund
Guided walk in Ålesund
Jugendstil med sine vakre utsmykninger, her en ugle.
Ålesund i solnedgang, sett fra Aksla.
En fiskeskøyte kommer inn Brosundet i Ålesund.
Ålesund fra luften, sett fra et ørneperspektiv.

Daily walking tours through Ålesund town center with English and Norwegian speaking guide . The walk is mostly flat and easy, but with an option to walk a bit higher for a better view of the town.

The city sightseeing is done by foot along the streets of Ålesund and the walk is set up every day from the Tourist Information in Ålesund. Start 12:00 with Norwegian/English Speaking Guide.

Children under 12 years go for free and don't need a ticket. You will be guided by one of their most experienced guides. Enjoy your walking trip in the Town of Ålesund!


Ever since the first settlers came to Ålesund, fish has been the most important source of trade and economic growth, and Ålesund is considered to be Norway`s fishing capital.

After the great fire in 1904 a new modern city rose from ashes and set hope for the new independent Norway.We will show you the architectures design details and its connections to Norse culture, Vikings and Kings history.You will also learn about the people who live in this region.The tour ends at Jugendstilsenteret (Museum of Art Nouveau). Also take a look at this movie about the city walk.

Private tours

Ålesund Guide Association can also offer tailor-made tours in our region for few people or for larger groups. Contact and questions per e-mail.

Source: Ålesund & Sunnmøre

Guided walk in Ålesund

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