Happy Kids

"Blidebarn" is a collaboration between 7 family activities in Telemark and Vestfold which gives you a 20% discount if you visit several of the activities.
Concept "blidebarn" (happy kids) gives you 7 family activities in a row!
Here the children can cuddle with the animals in Foldvik Family Park. Dive and splash in the pools in Skien fritidspark. Play and learn at DuVerden in Porsgrunn. Climb in Scandinavia's largest climbing park Høyt & Lavt at Steinsholt or climb indoors at Høyt Under Taket in Tønsberg. Jump and bounce at Gravity Sports in Tønsberg and meet exotic animals in safe surroundings in Den Lille Dyrehage at Brokelandsheia.
20% discount with happy kids benefit
Get a 20% discount - Blidebarn Advantage is an offer for those who want to visit several of the family activities.
-You decide which activity you visit first. Here you buy tickets at the regular price.
-Show the receipt at the ticket window when visiting the next location and get a 20% discount on the same number of tickets purchased.
- Each receipt is valid for three weeks from the last purchased ticket.
Source: VisitGrenland AS
Happy Kids