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TripAdvisor rating of 4.5


Heit Bergen Sauna Laksevåg


New steaming hot sauna experience in urban and scenic surroundings.

Welcome to a steaming hot urban sauna experience with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and the site’s historic shipyard.

Both saunas feature unisex changing rooms, and there's an outdoor cold shower on the pier for those who prefer not to cool off in the sea. A swim ladder is also available for easy access to the water.

Changing rooms are located at the front of the sauna, and if you're sharing the sauna, you'll change alongside others.

Towels are available for rent and can be ordered online when booking your session. Private sessions can be reserved up to two hours before arrival, and tickets for shared saunas can be booked 15 minutes prior if space allows. You’re welcome to call or email to check availability on the day of your visit.

Source: Visit Bergen

Heit Bergen Sauna Laksevåg

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